Valentin Guillon

French artist based in Paris
Represented by the gallery 
Florence Loewy 


Valentin Guillon is a french artist born in Le Mans in 1993.
He graduated from l’École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris with honors of the jury in 2016.
He is represented in France by the gallery Florence Loewy, & works amongst the Ateliers Wonder.

Valentin paints the same way he practices sport.
Before his studies at ENSAD, he performed speed skating in national championships.
The same way he finds balance & rhythm in sport, he imprints a frequency to the minimal shapes,
& a sequence to the geometrical flat colors of his works.
Interlinked, tools and moves serve the notion of rebound, repetition, tension & speed.
His use of the body’s mechanism & automatic gestures invoke the notion of cycle, and dynamism
by opposition to statism.
Through his practice, the artist slips in the concentration state which is to be found in sport training,
only to better find freedom in constraint.

While his paintings graphically convoke athletic signage & abstract modernism,
wood prevails in his creations, as an overt reminiscence of the construction material used in sports courts.
To look at his work is to join a game of variations, harmonies, shapes & gestures which plays collectively.

Read more about Valentin Guillon’s work here

Portrait by Salim Santa Lucia

1 - 0

1 - 0 is a duo of mural paintings. Both sketchs are build on two track symbol face to face answering each other by colors and shapes. A representation of players moving in the space, drifting at different speed and intensity like a dance orchestrated by the lines of the playground.

Acrylic on wall
1800 x 400 cm